ZENZO Masternodes & MNO Listing

ZENZO Ecosystem
4 min readJul 28, 2020

ZENZO (ZNZ) Masternodes

What is a masternode?

ZENZO (ZNZ) Masternodes are an instance of the latest full node (ZENZO Core Wallet) that require 15,000 ZNZ to be locked in collateral, in order to operate. Once the ZNZ is locked into masternodes, they are not included in the circulating supply, but can also be unlocked at any given moment. These masternodes work as an additional layer on top of the ZENZO Network to bring different benefits to both the network and the operator. Just like staking, masternodes also share a percent of each ZNZ block. Each block reward is 9 ZNZ, which 65% goes to masternodes and 35% goes to staking. This means that for every ZNZ block (1 minute interval), a masternode reward of 5.85 ZNZ is automatically distributed.

As of recent, with the latest ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori release, ZENZO Masternode holders are now eligible to participate in voting on the blockchain. This is a function that was developed and implemented by DASH, but was modified for Proof of Stake by PIVX. PIVX uses this function and operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Every month PIVX has a super block with an allocated amount of budgeting. This will be split accordingly, based on votes for proposals passing. ZENZO intends to use the masternode voting feature in the near future, to allow for more of the community to be involved with development, especially when it comes to the ZENZO Hatchery (Gaming Incubator). At this time, ZENZO does not have a treasury/budget/super block system setup like PIVX (view here), but is considering additional alternatives without adding more inflation to the supply.

For quite some time, the ZENZO Team has been discussing more ways for masternode holders to benefit and earn additional rewards, on top of the masternodes adding additional network support. In the past, for those who registered for the event, ZENZO Masternode holders were rewarded non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from some of the ZENZO allies. This is just one of the concepts that was explored and experimented with, but keep an eye out for more updates!

Learn more about ZENZO (ZNZ) Masternode rewards on the ZENZO Rewards site, here.

What is Masternodes.Online?

The MNO Platform provides a handful of useful masternode tools and has been respected as one of the best sources of accurate masternode information for several years. Some of the features include: validating stake returns for the most accurate ROI comparisons, monitoring with notifications to investors, and a first of its kind Masternode Explorer, providing significant detail on each masternode’s individual returns versus the network at large.

What all do they offer?

• Accurate Stats on MNO & Masternode Buzz

• Masternode Explorer

• Activated Monitoring Enabled

• MNOtify Email & Telegram Notifications

ZNZ Stats on MNO (7/28/2020)
ZNZ Stats on MNO (7/28/2020)

On Masternodes.Online, you can now view all information regarding the ZENZO (ZNZ) Masternode Network, along with general information about ZENZO and the ZNZ supply. They also provide an in-depth display of data, as you can see listed in the images above. If you signup for an account, you can use their platform that allows for you to track the status of your masternode and provide notifications via email or Telegram (if you choose). If you’re interested in learning more, you can join the MNO Telegram or ask the ZENZO Team in Discord or Telegram.

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For News, Updates, and Announcements

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