ZENZO Monthly Report: August 2020
This month was full of a wide range of events and great news for ZENZO Ecosystem. In early August, ZNZ was listed on StakeCube (5 trading pairs) which is an exchange, as well as a platform that offers many tools and features for both Proof of Stake and masternode coins. Alongside the new listing, ZENZO (ZNZ) was also listed on the crypto social media platform Torum, mentioned on Masternode.Buzz’s “Best Performing Masternodes”, brought on a new ambassador, pursuing a second year of alliance with PIVX, The Checkpoint Level 9 event with Hash Rush, in-game ZNZ prizes in the decentralized game Taurion (Xaya Blockchain), and much more.
🎉 ZENZO Blockchain hit block 1,000,000!
ZENZO Core Development
Since the official launch of ZENZO Core v2.0 | Kiyori, the ZENZO Network has grown in stability and security. There are now more full nodes online, as well as masternodes. Thanks to the cold staking feature, more coins are being staked on the ZENZO Network and difficulty has gone up. Directly after the launch of v2.0, ZENZO released an updated patch, v2.0.1, which is currently the latest build and recommended for all current users and new users. It is not a mandatory update like v2.0 | Kiyori, but highly recommended. For more information regarding the network, visit the primary ZENZO Explorer.
>> Download ZENZO Core v2.0.1 | Kiyori
v2.0.1 | Kiyori: Key Features
- Cold Staking (Learn more)
- Masternode Voting (Learn more)
- Preventative Crashing/Blockchain Database Corruption
- Drastically Improved Synchronization Speeds
- Sleek, Simple, and Beautiful GUI
- Staking & Masternode Rewards Graph Display
*Never download the ZENZO Wallet from third-party sites and it is always recommended to download directly from the official ZENZO GitHub.
*It should also be noted that anyone running old versions of the wallet, now that the hardfork was successful, will not be running on the correct and official ZENZO Blockchain. This will result in all actions made essentially being pointless (ie: you will not be staking on the correct network, masternodes will not be running, and any outgoing/incoming transactions you make will not be reflected or carried over on the correct chain).
ZENZO Arcade Development
At the moment, the games on the ZENZO Arcade are only purchasable with the ZENZO Coin (ZNZ). Previously, both PIVX and BTC were accepted and are in the process of being reintegrated, along with the consideration of other cryptocurrencies as payment methods. If you would like to see a certain coin or token as a viable payment method on the ZENZO Arcade, please feel free to share your suggestion in the #arcade channel. Currently, ZENZO is planning a way to offer more game-related goods, both digital and physical for everyone.
The ultimate goal is to have an all-in-one, digital marketplace for users to be able to buy, sell, and trade everything related to gaming. This provides its own list of challenges, but that is why each part of development is broken down into phases. The first phase was just having a means for people to be able to buy video games with their cryptocurrency. The second phase will be to expand what all products are sold, along with providing game developers a launching pad for selling and marketing their games. In later iterations, there will be a means for holders of ZENZO Forge Items (ZFIs) to be able to buy, sell, and trade them safely on this marketplace.
Stay tuned for the updates and announcements regarding the latest development of the ZENZO Arcade. It is important to have feedback and as much testing to be able to provide the most optimal and smooth user experience. More information and updates will be shared on social media, as well as the official ZENZO Arcade channel in the Discord, here.
ZENZO Forge Development
The ZENZO Forge is an interdependent network that allows for blockchain scalability, specifically intended for gaming. This technology is entirely open-source and free for anyone to use, whether a gamer or game developer. With the ZENZO Forge, ZENZO has created a new standard of blockchain-backed assets, where users have complete control and ownership at all times. ZENZO Forge Items (ZFIs) are locked in a user’s ZENZO Core Wallet and can be smelted (destroyed) at any given moment. The unique aspect behind these ZFIs is that every item is completely different and also backed with a ZNZ value. For example, a game developer could craft the Golden Grand-master Blade and back it with 1,000 ZNZ. Once transferred or acquired in game, the user could then decide to play with this item, sell it to other players, or smelt (destroy) the item and receive all the ZNZ back (minus the minor blockchain fees). ZENZO takes no third-party fees from this service and intends to create the most friction-less experience for both gamers and game developers to be able to have blockchain-backed game assets.
Above is a screenshot in the ZENZO Discord, where Cacalillos called on ZENZO Chan (Bot) to retrieve information on the ZENZO Forge Item (ZFI) called “PIVX/ZNZ Cryptosi”. This item was crafted during the PIVX/ZENZO Alliance AMA last Sunday. One of the community members, Terrik, created a quick illustration of Cryptosi as YuurinBee was explaining the ZENZO Forge and how to integrate ZFIs into games. Cacalillos decided to quickly craft it into a ZFI to show how seamlessly easy and simple it is to make a blockchain-backed item with a ZNZ value.
Progress on the ZENZO Forge can be publicly tracked on the official GitHub, as this technology is entirely open-source and free to use. Also, there are notifications in the #github-updates channel in the ZENZO Discord almost daily. Currently, the ZENZO Forge v1.0 is being worked on for the first official public release — providing the ultimate user experience. At the moment, game developers and users alike can test the fully functional prototype.
Interested in testing it out or have any questions? Join the ZENZO Discord
KOTA: Early Access Registration Now Open!
King of the Apocalypse, also referred to as KOTA, is the first ZENZO Forge Tech Demo that will showcase the benefits, features, and possibilities of the new era for blockchain gaming. KOTA is a post-apocalyptic, FPS survival game that will first start out with a campaign mode and already in discussions for a multiplayer mode. The ZENZO Team has decided that much of KOTA will be community-driven project, where people with all different backgrounds and skills can have some influence on the direction of KOTA.
The first public release will be a limited testing phase, known as “Early Access”, and only 50 players will be able to join for this release. Don’t worry, if you don’t make the cut, you will be able to join for the Alpha Release. The ZENZO Team is looking for players with both passion and experience in the fields of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and gaming. Passionate players that want to be involved in game development, without being developers or programmers, this is for you!
> Register for the KOTA Newsletter
Want to stay up to date with KOTA’s development and releases?
Join the ZENZO Discord and go to the #🔥-Forge Channel and signup for the KOTA Newsletter!
The Checkpoint: Level 9
With Special Guest, Kris Vaivods: CEO of VZ Games/Hash Rush
“The Crystal Storm has wreaked havoc upon the many races of the Hermeian Galaxy and it is down to the player to guide the races in their efforts to rebuild and survive. Fight and defend against Crystal Scourge as it works to corrupt every planet and living being that it encounters, explore your planet to secure valuable resources, and build thriving settlements as you work to cleanse your planet and defeat the Crystal Scourge.”
The Checkpoint: Level 9 with Hash Rush was another fun and interesting event, with another community recommendation. Hash Rush is a sci-fi RTS game, which happens to be a favorite genre of the host, Tendo. For the first hour, Tendo went through the website and introduction to the game — what it is, how it works, and some of the game mechanics. Halfway through the event, Tendo was joined by co-founders, Kris Vaivods and Nathan Ziedonis. They discussed the ideology and inspiration behind the game, as well as taking questions from viewers on stream. Towards the end of the event, marbles races were held to help determine winners for a total of 50 Rush coins, 1 copy of Fall Guys, and some ZNZ.
> View the event, here.
Stay Tuned For The Checkpoint Level 10!
The Checkpoint: Level 10is currently being planned and the official date has yet to be decided, but it will be towards the end of July. Watch for news and updates regarding who the special guest will be and what all you can expect. As always, the ZENZO Team is open to feedback from the community: what you want to see, talk about, review, and discuss. If you have any comments on what you would like to see at the next Checkpoint event, go to the ZENZO Discord and comment in the #💫-the-checkpoint channel.
What is StakeCube?
StakeCube has been a one stop shop for many Proof of Stake-based coins for several years. They launched back in June of 2018 as a Proof of Stake pool and have continued to expand their services and tools over time. StakeCube now is home to over 48,000 active users and over 50 listed coins. Some of the services that they offer include: cryptocurrency exchange, staking pools*, masternode hosting, shared masternodes*, and faucets. ZENZO (ZNZ) is now listed on the StakeCube exchange, which provides 5 trading pairs for ZNZ. These pairs include: BTC, LTC, DASH, DOGE, and SCC. Read more about it, here.
For every section that was marked with an asterisk*, please reference the disclaimer below.
*DISCLAIMER: Please be aware of all the potential risks associated with third-party platforms and services before using them. Understand that these listings do not constitute endorsement by ZENZO, but are solely provided for informational purposes only. It is recommended to do your own research and exercise caution while using any third-party platform and service. ZENZO is not responsible for any actions that occur on any third-party platform and service, as it is out of ZENZO’s direct control.
ZENZO Ambassador Addition
ZENZO is happy to welcome the newest ambassador to the ZENZO Ecosystem, Marii’Chuy. Marii’Chuy is now the ZENZO Ambassador of Venezuela, who will assist with efforts and the initiative to help expand ZENZO into Latin America. She is an active member in the allied community of PIVX and a direct collaborator on the social media team. Some may already be aware of her contributions to the ZENZO Ecosystem and community, like helping to translate content and information into Spanish, assisting with marketing, and expanding the presence of ZENZO in Spanish-speaking communities.
Taurion Tournament III is Live!
Taurion is live again with the 3rd tournament! Taurion is a fully decentralized MMORTS (real-time strategy) game built on the Xaya Blockchain. ZENZO now has a base in-game (screenshot above), where players can deliver the ZNZ prizes to. Players can also hide inside the building for shelter (protection from PVP) and use it to refine and store items. There are over $15,000 worth of prizes in this tournament! Be sure to signup and check it out. Stay up to date with the latest news and announcements from Xaya and learn more about Taurion, here.
PIVX/ZENZO Alliance Year 2
Just last Sunday, ZENZO and PIVX held an AMA in the PIVX Discord channel discussing the past year of the alliance between projects and also discussed what was expected in the future. This AMA was hosted by Cryptosi and Yuurinbee, as the two “envoys” for both projects, as well as Snappy and JSKitty. The purpose of this AMA was to include both communities and anyone interested to hear about the process and purpose of these types of alliances, learning a bit more both about PIVX and ZENZO. With the wonderful success of the alliance’s first year, ZENZO will soon be applying for the second year of the alliance on the PIVX Blockchain, with the masternode governance system (PIVX masternode holders can vote to accept or reject this proposal in a somewhat decentralized fashion). *This meeting was recorded and publicly available with an .mp3 file in the #zenzo_alliance channel in the PIVX Discord.
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