ZENZO Monthly Report: March 2020
The month of March closes its chapter and is one that we will never forget, speaking for all of humanity. Due to the increasing reports of COVID-19, many people’s lives have been drastically and negatively impacted. Until this pandemic is over, it is advised for everyone to stay at home and practice what many people term as “social distancing” to help prevent the spread of this virus. On a deeper note, the ZENZO Team wishes everyone well and encourages everyone to maintain good practices and habits to stay in good health.
With all that being said, ZENZO is still in full bloom and development and has not stopped or been impacted in the slightest. As an overview for the month of March, the team is gearing towards the final stages of development for ZENZO Core v2.0. Once everything is finished and thoroughly tested, announcements will be made for wallet users to download the mandatory update and release to prepare for the hardfork. All of this information will be posted publicly and you will be notified through as many outlets as possible throughout the course of a month (from the initial announcement).
ZENZO Core Development
As mentioned above, ZENZO Core v2.0 is approaching the final stages of development. Currently, the latest codebase is now up to date with the PIVX 4.1 additions and updates, excluding unnecessary features for ZENZO. Added to the list, the codebase is being further optimized to remove scans and checks for Zerocoin, which will help improve sync times and general processing for wallet users. The custom GUI is still in development and is about 80% complete. Once these elements are in place and everything is up to par, the next step is thorough testing. After testing and verifying everything works optimally and as planned, ZENZO will announce the official date of the hardfork with the mandatory update and release of ZENZO Core v2.0.
In the upcoming weeks, there will be development screenshots and updates via the ZENZO GitHub, Social Media, and Discord and if you have any questions about this release, feel free to ask in in the ZENZO Discord.
ZENZO Arcade Development
This month, the ZENZO Arcade went down for a short maintenance and has now been back up for well over a week. With the next stages of ZENZO Arcade Alpha in development, several other payment methods have been considered. At the moment, some of these base payment options include ZNZ, PIVX, BTC, and ETH. One major goal behind the ZENZO Arcade is to be able to provide a plethora of gaming-related goods world-wide, both digital and physical. Additional payment options of fiat, credit card, etc. have been under heavy consideration, but at the moment ZENZO has been sticking purely with cryptocurrency.
With plans for the ZENZO Arcade Beta Release, this will include making the ZENZO Arcade bi-directional — allowing for players, traders, and users to buy, sell, and trade their ZENZO Forge Items (ZFIs). The first phase of this release is to grant owners of ZENZO Forge Items the ability to sell their assets on a trusted, public, and open marketplace.
ZENZO Forge Development
Many major updates were covered in the February Monthly Report, but during the month of March a good amount of time has been spent on improving the UX/UI. Since the “bare-bones” version is already complete at this current stage, it is imperative to make it much more user-friendly. The next release (ZENZO Forge v0.4) will be used for KOTA players, while they test out the Early Access release.
Progress on the ZENZO Forge can be publicly tracked on the official GitHub, as this technology is entirely open-source and free to use. Currently, the ZENZO Forge v0.4 (Alpha) is being worked on for public use — an MVP that provides a full backend and frontend.
KOTA: Early Access Registration Now Open!
King of the Apocalypse, also referred to as KOTA, is the first ZENZO Forge Tech Demo that will showcase the benefits, features, and possibilities of the new era for blockchain gaming. KOTA is a post-apocalyptic, FPS survival game that will first start out with a campaign mode and already in discussions for a multiplayer mode. The ZENZO Team has decided that much of KOTA will be community-driven project, where people with all different backgrounds and skills can have some influence on the direction of KOTA.
The first public release will be a limited testing phase, known as “Early Access”, and only 50 players will be able to join for this release. Don’t worry, if you don’t make the cut, you will be able to join for the Alpha Release. The ZENZO Team is looking for players with both passion and experience in the fields of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and gaming. Passionate players that want to be involved in game development, without being developers or programmers, this is for you!
> Register for the KOTA Newsletter
Want to stay up to date with KOTA’s development and releases?
Join the ZENZO Discord and go to the #🔥-Forge Channel and signup for the KOTA Newsletter!
The Checkpoint: Level 5 Recap
With Special Guest Houston Song (Garage Studios, Inc. + Dissolution)
The Checkpoint Level 5 happened on March 28th, 2020 and was streamed across multiple platforms (Twitch, DLive, Mixer, Youtube, Periscope). For this event, ZENZO invited the CEO of Dissolution, Houston Song. For the first time on the Checkpoint, the special guest stayed for the entire event! It was an incredible event, that began with Tendo (host) introducing Houston Song (Dissolution). They talked about the origins of Dissolution, the team behind it, why they chose to use blockchain, and much more.
Deeper into the event, Tendo began to play Dissolution’s Story mode (Single-player), with Houston giving some advice throughout the game. Shortly after, they created a public lobby in the multi-player mode of Dissolution for anyone watching to join and play. What is better than crowd participation? As the event started to approach the third hour, Marbles on Stream races were held where viewers could earn a fair chance to win Dissolution in-game items.
Special thanks to all of the sponsors and allies for The Checkpoint: Level 5 (Dissolution, PIVX, CoinDreams, Voidnet, and Cryptocurrency Checkout).
The Checkpoint Level 5 with Dissolution
Watch: Part 1 (2 hours)
Watch: Part 2 (1 hour)
Catch The Checkpoint Level 6!
The Checkpoint: Level 6 is currently being planned and the official date has yet to be decided, but it will be towards the end of April. Stay tuned for news and updates regarding who the special guest will be and what all you can expect. As always, the ZENZO Team is open to feedback from the community: what you want to see, talk about, review, and discuss. If you have any comments of what you would like to see at the next Checkpoint event, go to the ZENZO Discord and comment in the #💫-the-checkpoint channel.
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